Military Missions Network

Our Mission as a Facilitating Ministry:

We foster among military believers, churches, and ministries a vision for touching the world through collaboration in missional military ministry.

We facilitate connections between military and those who minister to military through networking, websites, social media, community gatherings, conferences, and joint initiatives.

We sponsor and conduct training events to equip military believers, churches, and ministries regarding missional military ministry.

We partner with military believers, churches, and ministries in order to plant, strengthen, and encourage the church and work of the gospel among military people and communities.

Our Vision:  An Expanding Global Network of Evangelical Movements among Military People and Communities
As evidence of the realization of this vision, we are looking for the emergence of:

Focused Churches: Churches that are strategic in outreach and ministry to military people and through military believers
Creative Partnerships: Innovative working relationships between chaplains, churches, and ministries
Functioning Networks: Ongoing collaboration between chaplains, churches, and ministries especially in connection with the identifiable common pathways associated with the military

Founder: Gary Sanders

Mission: Evangelical churches, chaplains, and ministries are collaborating for a greater synergy in outreach and a worldwide ministry to the military.

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