Tun Tavern Fellowship

To present the person and work of Jesus Christ in and through the United States Marine Corps by obeying the Great Commandment, carrying out the Great Commission, and teaching others to do the same.

To build and maintain relationships1 that support and encourage followers of Jesus Christ2 in and around the Marine Corps to seek and glorify God3 in all aspects of their lives4 and in the furtherance of His kingdom5.

1Ps 119:63, I John 1:7
2II Timothy 2:2
3I Cor. 6:19b-20, John 14:23
4Matt. 6:31, Matt. 22:36-40, Romans 8:30
5Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8

Vision: Identify, Connect, Encourage
TTF is a network of Christians in and around the Marine Corps. We are a biblically based non-denominational ministry. Believing that church oversight is crucial, we are an integrated auxiliary ministry of Crossroads PCA of Woodbridge, VA, which provides financial accountability and oversight.

This networking ministry is intended to enable Christian fellowship, ministry and discipleship. TTF can help you identify other Christians in your unit or area, to enable connecting with each other, and to increase awareness of fellowships, studies, and events occurring all over the Corps designed to encourage living uprightly for God.

By registering on this website, you will gain access to a listing of Christians all over the Corps and to information on events in your local area. You will have the option to make your name and contact information viewable by others, or to just receive email updates related to TTF.

(Washington D.C.)
